Daily Fitness: What Matters to You?

In 2018, I turned over a new philosophy as a fitness columnist: don’t want to be me, want to be around me. It is never my goal to be someone’s envy, but rather be a person to inspire those around me.

Each one of us is unique, and that includes the genetics we’re dealt. I’ve been humbled, honored even, to hear from countless readers on the ways my words have been resonating with them. On the other end, the things I write about might be irrelevant to many of you, or not work the same way they do for me. However, there’s one thing we all have in common: commitment to being a healthier, happier, stronger version of ourselves.

What matters to you? In this week’s Daily Fitness rather than serving you up some fitness facts or trends, I’m imploring my readers to reach out to me with your comments and concerns. What do you want to read about? How can I better inform you?

Is there an instructor that’s inspiring those around them? Does someone have a personal transformation story that could motivate others? Is a certain ailment you’re curious about? What about a local business that could use some help staying afloat or getting things started? Is there a workout you’re nervous to try before hearing about? Or a product you’d like to learn more? If it has to do with fitness, nutrition, wellness and overall health, let me know.

This is more than my column on health and wellness, it’s a community resource on bettering us all from the inside out.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics dubbed March National Nutrition Month, a time to educate and focus on the importance of our daily eating and physical habits. Originating in 1973 as a weeklong campaign, it proved so popular that by 1980 it expanded into a month long celebration. That means 31 days, chances, to highlight what everyone is doing to celebrate a healthier lifestyle. Got a recipe? Send it in!

In addition to the above, I’m seeking residents/businesses who deserve a week-long highlight throughout National Nutrition month.

Let’s get talking! Comment here or reach out on my Instagram or Facebook.